Qi Alfred Chen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. His research interest spans software security, systems security, and network security. Currently, his research focuses on security problems in autonomous CPS and IoT systems (e.g., autonomous driving and intelligent transportation). His works have high impacts in both academic and industry with over 30 research papers in top-tier venues in security, mobile systems, transportation, software engineering, and machine learning; a nationwide USDHS US-CERT alert, and multiple CVEs; over 50 news articles by major news media such as Forbes, Fortune, and BBC News; and vulnerability report acknowledgments from USDOT, Apple, Microsoft, Comcast, Daimler, etc. Recently, his research triggered over 25 autonomous driving companies to start security vulnerability investigations; some confirmed to work on fixes. He serves as reviewers for various top-tier venues such as Usenix Security, ACM CCS, NDSS, TIFS, TDSC, T-ITS, etc., and co-found the AutoSec workshop (co-located with NDSS’21). He received various awards such as NSF CRII Award, NDSS’19 and NDSS’20 best poster awards, UCI Chancellor’s Award for mentoring, and UM Distinguished Dissertation Award. His group won the 1st place in the first AutoDriving Security CTF (part of BCTF) in 2020. Chen received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 2018.
Towards Secure and Robust AI Stack in Autonomous CPS
Qi Alfred Chen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine.
Qi Alfred Chen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. His research interest spans software security, systems security, and network security. Currently, his research focuses on security problems in autonomous CPS and IoT systems (e.g., autonomous driving and intelligent transportation). His works have high impacts in both academic and industry with over 30 research papers in top-tier venues in security, mobile systems, transportation, software engineering, and machine learning; a nationwide USDHS US-CERT alert, and multiple CVEs; over 50 news articles by major news media such as Forbes, Fortune, and BBC News; and vulnerability report acknowledgments from USDOT, Apple, Microsoft, Comcast, Daimler, etc. Recently, his research triggered over 25 autonomous driving companies to start security vulnerability investigations; some confirmed to work on fixes. He serves as reviewers for various top-tier venues such as Usenix Security, ACM CCS, NDSS, TIFS, TDSC, T-ITS, etc., and co-found the AutoSec workshop (co-located with NDSS’21). He received various awards such as NSF CRII Award, NDSS’19 and NDSS’20 best poster awards, UCI Chancellor’s Award for mentoring, and UM Distinguished Dissertation Award. His group won the 1st place in the first AutoDriving Security CTF (part of BCTF) in 2020. Chen received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 2018.
Towards Secure and Robust AI Stack in Autonomous CPS